Monday, 15 December 2014

Winter Fair


Today at Robert Browning, we had our Winter Fair and what a fantastic day it was! We kicked off the Winter celebrations with whole school and choir singing, as well as a performance from the KS1 nativity. We were then lucky enough to see a brilliant performance from Frozen by Foundation stage and an amazing dance by our dance club!

After everyone had finished their wonderful performances, it was time for the fair to begin. We had everything from popcorn stalls, to candy floss and even gingerbread decorating! A HUGE thank you to all members of the PTA for their help and support throughout both the planning and the event itself. 

Take a look at some of our photos...

Friday, 12 December 2014

Busy Busy Bethlehem

On Wednesday Key Stage 1 wowed us all with their Nativity performance. Year 2 worked hard at learning their lines and perfecting their acting skills, whilst Year 1 sang beautifully and remembered all of the actions. 

Thanks to all of the parents and carers who came and watched. I think we can all agree it was a real success and we all felt extremely proud of our children.  

Enjoy the photos!

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Ice Skating at the Natural History Museum

Years 5 and 6 are ice skating at the Natural History Museum today. We are having a brilliant time (once we learn how to stand up!)




Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Mental Maths Bootcamp!

Complete this mental maths boot camp at home, just click on the day and complete it every day for 2 weeks to improve your mental maths skills!

Created by Compare4Kids
Copyright Compare4Kids (UK)

Clipper Round the World Race comes to Robert Browning!

Wow! IN Years 5 and 6, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Jim, a former crew mate on the Clipper Round the World yacht race! He told us all about his journey from London, via Africa, South America, Australia, Asia and North America all the way back home!

Here are some of the questions that we asked Jim, during his time with us:

Micah: Which was your favorite destination?
Jim: Sydney, when we took part in the Sydney to Hobart boat race!

Quayyum: Who inspired you to take part in the race?
Jim: Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, the man in charge of the Clipper race, and the first man to ail the world non-stop single handedly!

Sarah: What was it like living with so many other people on board?
Jim: Everyone was different and brought something different to the boat, which was great. We obviously would fall out and disagree but as soon as a huge wave came we would have to put it all behind us and get on with it. They were a great bunch of people!

Ben: Did you get to sleep often?
Jim: Everything was done in 3 hour shifts, so you would have 3 hours up on deck, working and navigating, then 3 hours to sleep, wash and eat, and again, and again...

Hameed: What was the scariest part of the race?
Jim: When the spinnaker sail became stuck. I had to be hoisted to the top of the mast and try to unravel it. It was so windy and incredibly high. I was exhausted and terrified!

The Great Fire of London comes to KS1!

On Friday KS1 had a real treat. A theatre company came and put on a show just for us!

We met Billy and Mrs Farriner who worked at Pudding Lane Bakery...

We met Samuel Pepys and heard the secret information he was writing in his special diary...

We even met the terrifying King Flame! He was a scary fictional character who made us think of the Great Fire of London that set London alight. 

We really enjoyed watching the play!

Top Tips for the Grid Method!

In years 5 and 6, we have been learning to use the grid method of multiplication in Numeracy. We have become experts! Not only can we use the grid method for multiplying 3 or 4 digit numbers, but we can also use it to multiply decimals! 

Here are Ajdin's Top Tips to becoming a Grid Method expert:

Step One- lay out your grid

Step Two- Place your numbers on the grid in the correct place (remember to partition them)

Step Three- Calculate the answers one by one. You can start in the top left grid and then top right and work your way down.

Step Four- Add the answers up in their columns. 

Step Five- Once you have your  answers at the bottom,  draw the column method of addition at the the side and put your totals in (you have to make sure you line the numbers up).

Step Six- Add them up to get your answer.

Step Seven- Give yourself a pat on the back!

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

We have met Michael Faraday!

Today, all of the classes in Years 5 and 6 travelled to the Science Museum as part of their Science unit this term, electricity. We took part in an energy competition to discover lots of exciting facts about energy on our planet today. We also had the opportunity to meet Michael Faraday, the father of electricity. He taught us about electrons and how they move. We also learnt about Benjamin Franklins first encounter with electricity...lightning!

Here are some fascinating facts that we have learnt today:

"Electrons are TINY and negatively charged" Joey, Year 6