Friday, 24 October 2014

Endangered Species Dress Up!

Today has been Endangered Species dress up day at Robert Browning and all of the children made a brilliant effort! From Sea Lion's to Panda's, our corridors have been full of endangered species from all around the World. 

Not only did we all dress up, but we had a Harvest Assembly to raise awareness of our school charity, Seeds for Africa. In preparation for the assembly, everyone made a leaf out of recycled materials, then on the count of 3, 1....2.....3........

What a magnificent sight!

It has been a fantastic day and all the children have made such an effort with their costumes, but we had to choose one winner from each class overall.

Take a look at the winner from Foundation Stage...


Endangered Species Dress Up!

Today has been Endangered Species dress up day at Robert Browning and all of the children made a brilliant effort! From Sea Lion's to Panda's, our corridors have been full of endangered species from all around the World. 

Not only did we all dress up, but we had a Harvest Assembly to raise awareness of our school charity, Seeds for Africa. In preparation for the assembly, everyone made a leaf out of recycled materials, then on the count of 3, 1....2.....3........

What a magnificent sight!

It has been a fantastic day and all the children have made such an effort with their costumes, but we had to choose one winner from each class overall.

Take a look at the winners from Year 5 and 6...



Endangered Species Day

Today has been Endangered Species dress up day at Robert Browning and all of the children made a brilliant effort! From Sea Lion's to Panda's, our corridors have been full of endangered species from all around the World. 

Not only did we all dress up, but we had a Harvest Assembly to raise awareness of our school charity, Seeds for Africa. In preparation for the assembly, everyone made a leaf out of recycled materials, then on the count of 3, 1....2.....3........

What a magnificent sight!

It has been a fantastic day and all the children have made such an effort with their costumes, but we had to choose one winner from each class overall.

Take a look at the winners from Year 3 and 4...


Endangered Assembly

Today has been Endangered Species dress up day at Robert Browning and all of the children made a brilliant effort! From Sea Lion's to Panda's, our corridors have been full of endangered species from all around the World. 

Not only did we all dress up, but we had a Harvest Assembly to raise awareness of our school charity, Seeds for Africa. In preparation for the assembly, everyone made a leaf out of recycled materials, then on the count of 3, 1....2.....3........

What a magnificent sight!

It has been a fantastic day and all the children have made such an effort with their costumes, but we had to choose one winner from each class overall.

Take a look at the winners from Year 1 and 2...


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Tea Party!

It was Years 5 and 6's turn to host their Parent and Carer Tea party today, and it was a huge success!

Not only did our special guests enjoy refreshments and some cake, but they had the opportunity to join a book club! We discussed our class novel of 'Kensuke's Kingdom' with the Parents/Carers, sharing our favorite characters and chapters, as well as listening to their views on the book.

After Book Club, it was time for some Humanities skills, so together with our visitors, we mapped out the journey that Michael made with his parents on the Peggy-Sue. We managed to find Rio Di Janeiro, Cote D'Ivoire and even Fiji on our maps (with a little help from our adults)!

Thank you very much to all of the Parents and Carers that attended the event and we look forward to seeing you at the next one!

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Tea Party Time!

Key Stage One had their Parent/Carer tea parties this week, and they were cake-tastic! Plenty of Parents, Carers, Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles turned up to help the children with their learning in the afternoon, whilst enjoying some tea party treats!

Thank you very much to all of the parents and carers that came along, we hope that you enjoyed the day!

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Who is your favourite author?

In Year 6, we have been thinking about who our favourite authors are. We have been thinking about everyone from Roald Dahl to Jeff Kinney!

We have created a survey below for you to vote for your favourite author. Have a go!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Monster Mash Party!

After much preparation and planing, the ASC club celebrated their Monster Mash party last night. There were plenty of ghoulish games and freaky food, with many prizes to be won! The children had a fantastic time and even had the chance to show off the brilliant masks they made last week, as well as those amazing dance moves!

ASC Club runs on a Monday from 15:30-16:30pm with Miss Saunders-Cross

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Ahhh! Viking Invasion!

Don't panic, but the Vikings have invaded Years 5 and 6 at Robert Browning!

As part of their Creative Curriculum topic 'The Seven Seas,' Years 5 and 6 have been learning all about the Vikings, from what the climate was like in their homelands, to what they ate whilst sailing the Seas!

Last week, the top floor was turned into a Viking settlement, and our Year 6's had to live a day in the life of the Vikings. All of them had to change their names to new, Scandinavian names, and complete all of their daily work and chores. 

This included:

  • weaving a new roof
  • washing and mending clothes
  • baking bread
  • grinding rye
  • picking crops
  • feeding and cleaning the animals

It was a hard days work, and the Year 6's realized that being a Viking was tougher than they thought! 

Keep checking to stay updated with what is going on in our Viking settlement on the top floor! 

Primary Proms

Blog written by: Ashiyah, Year 4 Iguana Class

Yesterday, 500 people were at the Royal Albert Hall, maybe even more, because of the Primary Proms! The Primary Proms is run by Music for Youth, and is a School Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall on 10th, 11th and 12th November 2014.

Children from Years 4 and 5 are going to be singing in the Primary proms, so we went to look around the Royal Albert Hall. This is so we wouldn't be shy when we went there on the real day!

There were so many schools there from all over England, and lots of teachers who were dancing to the singing! We were really lucky because Barney from Blue Peter also came to speak to us about performing in the Primary Proms. It was really exciting.

Now, we need to keep rehearsing at school so that we can sound brilliant on the day!

To find out more information about the Primary Prom, please speak to Miss Groves, or take a look at the website here.

Numbers, numbers and more numbers!

Foundation Stage are numeracy stars!

In Nursery, the children have been learning how to count up to 10 in lots of different ways. Today, the children had to try and fill up their socks with bobbins, and count how many they could fit in! Some of them managed to fit over 5 bobbins in their socks!


Reception has also been counting, but they have been trying to find lots of different ways to get to 10. They have been making bead necklaces up to 10, using their colored penguins to make 10 and even looked at how they could write all the different ways they can make 10!

What counting superstars! 

Up in Smoke!

Key Stage One have been learning all about the Great Fire of London as part of their Creative Curriculum topic 'Up in Smoke!' 

The children have become experts on everything to do with the Great Fire of London, and have even been thinking about how the residents of London would have been feeling after they lost their homes.

Year 2 put tents up in their classroom on Friday and squeezed into them, so that they could imagine what it would have been like when King Charles II ordered everyone to move into tents along the bank of the Thames. 


Key Stage One then used their brilliant knowledge of different adjectives to write a letter home about the terrible conditions they are living in!

Dear Dad,

I hate this place. This campsite is unbearable, I just can't take it! But I have to stay here! At night there are bugs and rats nibbling through the tent. It is crowded because lots of people have escaped! Worst of all there is mud everywhere and it's foggy so you can step in mud at anytime! I feel heart-broken, worried, petrified. 

From Abdul

P.S. Please send me some toys for entertainment. 

By Abdul, Year 2 Porpoise Class

Year 4 bring Ancient Greece to Robert Browning!

On Friday 10th October 2014, the children at Robert Browning were treated to an amazing Creative Curriculum assembly by our Year 4 class! Their topic this term is 'A Glimpse of Greece,' so they decided to share with both children and parents/carers the story of Heracles, and what a terrifying story it was!

We cheered as Heracles defeated the ferocious lion, and winced as he challenged Hydra, the nine headed beast! Heracles then had his final challenge, to visit Hades in the Underworld, and retrieve a live plant.

 However, it seemed that Hades was very fond of Science, and made poor Heracles solve all of his Science problems!

Thank you to all of the Year 4 parents and carers who came to support the Year 4 children in their assembly, but most of all, thank you to the brilliant Iguana class!

Years 5 and 6 become Scientists!

Over the past week, each of the classes in Years 5 and 6 have been visiting the L'Oreal Young Scientists Institute at the Royal Institution. They had been using their knowledge of changing states to create their own lip balms and bath bombs!


We started by making sure we all looked like real scientists, so we popped on our white coats and safety gloves. After, we learnt all about the PH scale and tested different liquids for their acidity levels. It turns out that lime juice has a very high acidity level!

Before long, we needed to get working on our bath bombs, using all of the knowledge we had about acids and alkalies. We started by measuring out our citric acid and sodium bicarbonate, before adding a few sprays of witch hazel, and of course our colored dyes and scents. We had so many scents to choose from, from mint chocolate chip to coconut!

After lunch, whilst our bath bombs were baking, we learnt about how to make lip balm. We started by melting bees wax, from solid pellets into a liquid, this was then mixed together with either avocado or almond oil. Once our solution was got, we then had the opportunity to add our scent and colors. Vanilla was very popular!

We had a fantastic day at the Royal Institution, and have very much enjoyed testing out our lip balms and bath bombs at home!